Loading Data

The main purpose of swiftsimio is to load data. This section will tell you all about four main objects:

To get started, first locate any SWIFT data that you wish to analyse. If you don’t have any handy, you can always download our test cosmological volume at:


with associated halo catalogue at


which is needed should you wish to use the velociraptor integration library in the visualisation examples.

To create your first instance of swiftsimio.reader.SWIFTDataset, you can use the helper function swiftsimio.load as follows:

from swiftsimio import load

# Of course, replace this path with your own snapshot should you be using
# custom data.
data = load("cosmo_volume_example.hdf5")

The type of data is now swiftsimio.reader.SWIFTDataset. Have a quick look around this dataset in an iPython shell, or a jupyter notebook, and you will see that it contains several sub-objects:

  • data.gas, which contains all information about gas particles in the simulation.

  • data.dark_matter, likewise containing information about the dark matter particles in the simulation.

  • data.metadata, an instance of swiftsimio.reader.SWIFTMetadata

  • data.units, an instance of swiftsimio.reader.SWIFTUnits

Using metadata

Let’s begin by reading some useful metadata straight out of our data.metadata object. For instance, we may want to know the box-size of our simulation:

meta = data.metadata
boxsize = meta.boxsize


This will output [142.24751067 142.24751067 142.24751067] Mpc - note the units that are attached. These units being attached to everything is one of the key advantages of using swiftsimio. It is really easy to convert between units; for instance if we want that box-size in kiloparsecs,



Now outputting [142247.5106242 142247.5106242 142247.5106242] kpc. Neat! This is all thanks to our tight integration with unyt. If you have more complex units, it is often useful to specify them in terms of unyt objects as follows:

import unyt

new_units = unyt.cm * unyt.Mpc / unyt.kpc


In general, we suggest using unyt unit objects rather than strings. You can find more information about unyt on the unyt documentation website.

There is lots of metadata available through this object; the best way to see this is by exploring the object using dir() in an interactive shell, but as a summary:

  • All metadata from the snapshot is available through many variables, for example the meta.hydro_scheme property.

  • The numbers of particles of different types are available through meta.n_{gas,dark_matter,stars,black_holes}.

  • Several pre-LaTeXed strings are available describing the configuration state of the code, such as meta.hydro_info, meta.compiler_info.

  • Several snapshot-wide parameters, such as meta.a (current scale factor), meta.t (current time), meta.z (current redshift), meta.run_name (the name of this run, specified in the SWIFT parameter file), and meta.snapshot_date (a datetime object describing when the snapshot was written to disk).

  • If you have astropy installed, you can also use the metadata.cosmology object, which is an astropy.cosmology.w0waCDM instance.

Reading particle data

To find out what particle properties are present in our snapshot, we can use the instance of swiftsimio.reader.SWIFTMetadata, data.metadata, which contains several instances of swiftsimio.reader.SWIFTParticleTypeMetadata describing what kinds of fields are present in gas or dark matter:

# Note that gas_properties is an instance of SWIFTParticleTypeMetadata

This will print a large list, like


These individual attributes can be accessed through the object-oriented interface, for instance,

x_gas = data.gas.coordinates
rho_gas = data.gas.densities
x_dm = data.dark_matter.coordinates

Only at this point is any information actually read from the snapshot, so far we have only read three arrays into memory - in this case corresponding to /PartType0/Coordinates, /PartType1/Coordinates, and /PartType0/Densities.

This allows you to be quite lazy when writing scripts; you do not have to write, for instance, a block at the start of the file with a with h5py.File(...) as handle: and read all of the data at once, you can simply access data whenever you need it through this predictable interface.

Just like the boxsize, these carry symbolic unyt units,


will output Mpc. We can again convert these to whatever units we like. For instance, should we wish to convert our gas densities to solar masses per cubic megaparsec,

new_density_units = unyt.Solar_Mass / unyt.Mpc**3



which will output '\\frac{M_\\odot}{\\rm{Mpc}^{3}}'. This is a LaTeX representation of those symbolic units that we just converted our data to - this is very useful for making plots as it can ensure that your data and axes labels always have consistent units.

Named columns

SWIFT can output custom metadata in SubgridScheme/NamedColumns for multi dimensional tables containing columns that carry individual data. One common example of this is the element mass fractions of gas and stellar particles. These are then placed in an object hierarchy, as follows:


This will output: Named columns instance with [‘hydrogen’, ‘helium’, ‘carbon’, ‘nitrogen’, ‘oxygen’, ‘neon’, ‘magnesium’, ‘silicon’, ‘iron’] available for “Fractions of the particles’ masses that are in the given element”

Then, to access individual columns (in this case element abundances):

# Access the silicon abundance

Non-unyt properties

Each data array has some custom properties that are not present within the base unyt.unyt_array class. We create our own version of this in swiftsimio.objects.cosmo_array, which allows each dataset to contain its own cosmology and name properties.

For instance, should you ever need to know what a dataset represents, you can ask for a description:


which will output Co-moving mass densities of the particles. They include scale-factor information, too, through the cosmo_factor object,

# Conversion factor to make the densities a physical quantity
physical_rho_gas = rho_gas.cosmo_factor.a_factor * rho_gas

# Symbolic scale-factor expression

which will output 132651.002785671 and a**(-3.0). This is an easy way to convert your co-moving values to physical ones.

An even easier way to convert your properties to physical is to use the built-in to_physical and convert_to_physical methods, as follows:

physical_rho_gas = rho_gas.to_physical()

# Convert in-place

User-defined particle types

It is now possible to add user-defined particle types that are not already present in the swiftsimio metadata. All you need to do is specify the three names (see below) and then the particle datasets that you have provided in SWIFT will be automatically read.

import swiftsimio as sw
import swiftsimio.metadata.particle as swp
from swiftsimio.objects import cosmo_factor, a

swp.particle_name_underscores[6] = "extratype"
swp.particle_name_class[6] = "Extratype"
swp.particle_name_text[6] = "Extratype"

data = sw.load(