
swiftsimio provides unique functionality (when compared to other software packages that read HDF5 data) through its masking facility.

SWIFT snapshots contain cell metadata that allow us to spatially mask the data ahead of time. swiftsimio provides a number of objects that help with this. This functionality is provided through the swiftsimio.masks sub-module but is available easily through the swiftsimio.mask() top-level function.

This functionality is used heavily in our VELOCIraptor integration library for only reading data that is near bound objects.

There are two types of mask, with the default only allowing spatial masking. Full masks require significantly more memory overhead and are generally much slower than the spatial only mask.

Spatial-only masking

Spatial only masking is approximate and allows you to only load particles within a given region. It is precise to the top-level cells that are defined within SWIFT. It will always load all of the particles that you request, but for simplicity it may also load some particles that are slightly outside of the region of interest. This is because it works as follows:

  1. Load the top-level cell metadata.

  2. Find the overlap between the specified region and these cells.

  3. Load all cells within that overlap.

As you can see, the edges of regions may load in extra information as we always load the whole top-level cell.


In this example we will use the swiftsimio.masks.SWIFTMask object to load the bottom left ‘half’ corner of the box.

import swiftsimio as sw

filename = "cosmo_volume_example.hdf5"

mask = sw.mask(filename)
# The full metadata object is available from within the mask
boxsize = mask.metadata.boxsize
# load_region is a 3x2 list [[left, right], [bottom, top], [front, back]]
load_region = [[0.0 * b, 0.5 * b] for b in boxsize]

# Constrain the mask

# Now load the snapshot with this mask
data = sw.load(filename, mask=mask)

data is now a regular swiftsimio.reader.SWIFTDataset object, but it only ever loads particles that are (approximately) inside the load_region region.

Importantly, this method has a tiny memory overhead, and should also have a relatively small overhead when reading the data. This allows you to use snapshots that are much larger than the available memory on your machine and process them with ease.

It is also possible to build up a region with a more complicated geometry by making repeated calls to constrain_spatial() and setting the optional argument intersect=True. By default any existing selection of cells would be overwritten; this option adds any additional cells that need to be selected for the new region to the existing selection instead. For instance, to add the diagonally opposed octant to the selection made above (and so obtain a region shaped like two cubes with a single corner touching):

additional_region = [[0.5 * b, 1.0 * b] for b in boxsize]
mask.constrain_spatial(additional_region, intersect=True)

In the first call to constrain_spatial() the intersect argument can be set to True or left False (the default): since no mask yet exists both give the same result.

Full mask

The below example shows the use of a full masking object, used to constrain densities of particles and only load particles within that density window.

import swiftsimio as sw

# This creates and sets up the masking object.
mask = sw.mask("cosmological_volume.hdf5", spatial_only=False)

# This ahead-of-time creates a spatial mask based on the cell metadata.
    [0.2 * mask.metadata.boxsize[0], 0.7 * mask.metadata.boxsize[0]],

# Now, just for fun, we also constrain the density between
# 0.4 g/cm^3 and 0.8. This reads in the relevant data in the region,
# and tests it element-by-element. Note that using masks of this type
# is significantly slower than using the spatial-only masking.
density_units = mask.units.mass / mask.units.length**3
mask.constrain_mask("gas", "density", 0.4 * density_units, 0.8 * density_units)

# Now we can grab the actual data object. This includes the mask as a parameter.
data = sw.load("cosmo_volume_example.hdf5", mask=mask)

When the attributes of this data object are accessed, only the ones that belong to the masked region (in both density and spatial) are read. I.e. if I ask for the temperature of particles, it will recieve an array containing temperatures of particles that lie in the region [0.2, 0.7] and have a density between 0.4 and 0.8 g/cm^3.

Writing subset of snapshot

In some cases it may be useful to write a subset of an existing snapshot to its own hdf5 file. This could be used, for example, to extract a galaxy halo that is of interest from a snapshot so that the file is easier to work with and transport.

To do this the write_subset function is provided. It can be used, for example, as follows

import swiftsimio as sw
import unyt

mask = sw.mask("eagle_snapshot.hdf5")
    [unyt.unyt_quantity(100, unyt.kpc), unyt.unyt_quantity(1000, unyt.kpc)],

sw.subset_writer.write_subset("test_subset.hdf5", mask)

This will write a snapshot which contains the particles from the specified snapshot whose x-coordinate is within the range [100, 1000] kpc. This function uses the cell mask which encompases the specified spatial domain to successively read portions of datasets from the input file and writes them to a new snapshot.

Due to the coarse grained nature of the cell mask, particles from outside this range may also be included if they are within the same top level cells as particles that fall within the given range.

Please note that it is important to run constrain_spatial as this generates and stores the cell mask needed to write the snapshot subset.