Source code for swiftsimio.objects

Contains global objects, e.g. the superclass version of the
unyt_array that we use, called cosmo_array.

import warnings

import unyt
from unyt import unyt_array
from unyt.array import multiple_output_operators

    from unyt.array import POWER_MAPPING
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("unyt >=2.9.0 required")

import sympy
import numpy as np
from numpy import (
    divmod as divmod_,
from numpy.core.umath import _ones_like

    from numpy.core.umath import clip
except ImportError:
    clip = None

# The scale factor!
a = sympy.symbols("a")

def _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(func):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if not type(ret) is cosmo_array:
            return ret
        if hasattr(self, "cosmo_factor"):
            ret.cosmo_factor = self.cosmo_factor
        if hasattr(self, "comoving"):
            ret.comoving = self.comoving
        return ret

    return wrapped

def _sqrt_cosmo_factor(ca_cf, **kwargs):
    return _power_cosmo_factor(
        ca_cf, (False, None), power=0.5
    )  # ufunc sqrt not supported

def _multiply_cosmo_factor(ca_cf1, ca_cf2, **kwargs):
    ca1, cf1 = ca_cf1
    ca2, cf2 = ca_cf2
    if (cf1 is None) and (cf2 is None):
        # neither has cosmo_factor information:
        return None
    elif not ca1 and ca2:
        # one is not a cosmo_array, allow e.g. multiplication by constants:
        return cf2
    elif ca1 and not ca2:
        # two is not a cosmo_array, allow e.g. multiplication by constants:
        return cf1
    elif (ca1 and ca2) and ((cf1 is None) or (cf2 is None)):
        # both cosmo_array but not both with cosmo_factor
        # (both without shortcircuited above already):
            f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors ({cf1} and {cf2}),"
            f" discarding cosmo_factor in return value.",
        return None
    elif (ca1 and ca2) and ((cf1 is not None) and (cf2 is not None)):
        # both cosmo_array and both with cosmo_factor:
        return cf1 * cf2  # cosmo_factor.__mul__ raises if scale factors differ
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected state, please report this error on github.")

def _preserve_cosmo_factor(ca_cf1, ca_cf2=None, **kwargs):
    ca1, cf1 = ca_cf1
    ca2, cf2 = ca_cf2 if ca_cf2 is not None else (None, None)
    if ca_cf2 is None:
        # single argument, return promptly
        return cf1
    elif (cf1 is None) and (cf2 is None):
        # neither has cosmo_factor information:
        return None
    elif ca1 and not ca2:
        # only one is cosmo_array
        return cf1
    elif ca2 and not ca1:
        # only one is cosmo_array
        return cf2
    elif (ca1 and ca2) and (cf1 is None and cf2 is not None):
        # both cosmo_array, but not both with cosmo_factor
        # (both without shortcircuited above already):
            f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors, continuing assuming"
            f" provided cosmo_factor ({cf2}) for all arguments.",
        return cf2
    elif (ca1 and ca2) and (cf1 is not None and cf2 is None):
        # both cosmo_array, but not both with cosmo_factor
        # (both without shortcircuited above already):
            f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors, continuing assuming"
            f" provided cosmo_factor ({cf1}) for all arguments.",
        return cf1
    elif (ca1 and ca2) and (cf1 != cf2):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Ufunc arguments have cosmo_factors that differ: {cf1} and {cf2}."
    elif (ca1 and ca2) and (cf1 == cf2):
        return cf1  # or cf2, they're equal
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected state, please report this error on github.")

def _power_cosmo_factor(ca_cf1, ca_cf2, inputs=None, power=None):
    if inputs is not None and power is not None:
        raise ValueError
    ca1, cf1 = ca_cf1
    ca2, cf2 = ca_cf2
    power = inputs[1] if inputs else power
    if hasattr(power, "units"):
        if not power.units.is_dimensionless:
            raise ValueError("Exponent must be dimensionless.")
        elif power.units is not unyt.dimensionless:
            power = power.to_value(unyt.dimensionless)
        # else power.units is unyt.dimensionless, do nothing
    if ca2 and cf2.a_factor != 1.0:
        raise ValueError("Exponent has scaling with scale factor != 1.")
    if cf1 is None:
        return None
    return np.power(cf1, power)

def _square_cosmo_factor(ca_cf, **kwargs):
    return _power_cosmo_factor(ca_cf, (False, None), power=2)

def _divide_cosmo_factor(ca_cf1, ca_cf2, **kwargs):
    ca1, cf1 = ca_cf1
    ca2, cf2 = ca_cf2
    return _multiply_cosmo_factor(
        (ca1, cf1), (ca2, _reciprocal_cosmo_factor((ca2, cf2)))

def _reciprocal_cosmo_factor(ca_cf, **kwargs):
    return _power_cosmo_factor(ca_cf, (False, None), power=-1)

def _passthrough_cosmo_factor(ca_cf, ca_cf2=None, **kwargs):
    ca, cf = ca_cf
    ca2, cf2 = ca_cf2 if ca_cf2 is not None else (None, None)
    if ca_cf2 is None:
        # no second argument, return promptly
        return cf
    elif (cf2 is not None) and cf != cf2:
        # if both have cosmo_factor information and it differs this is an error
        raise ValueError(
            f"Ufunc arguments have cosmo_factors that differ: {cf} and {cf2}."
        # passthrough is for e.g. ufuncs with a second dimensionless argument,
        # so ok if cf2 is None and cf1 is not
        return cf

def _return_without_cosmo_factor(ca_cf, ca_cf2=None, inputs=None, zero_comparison=None):
    ca, cf = ca_cf
    ca2, cf2 = ca_cf2 if ca_cf2 is not None else (None, None)
    if ca_cf2 is None:
        # no second argument
    elif ca and not ca2:
        # one is not a cosmo_array, warn on e.g. comparison to constants:
        if not zero_comparison:
                f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors, continuing"
                f" assuming provided cosmo_factor ({cf}) for all arguments.",
    elif not ca and ca2:
        # two is not a cosmo_array, warn on e.g. comparison to constants:
        if not zero_comparison:
                f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors, continuing"
                f" assuming provided cosmo_factor ({cf2}) for all arguments.",
    elif (ca and ca2) and (cf is not None and cf2 is None):
        # one has no cosmo_factor information, warn:
            f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors, continuing assuming"
            f" provided cosmo_factor ({cf}) for all arguments.",
    elif (ca and ca2) and (cf is None and cf2 is not None):
        # two has no cosmo_factor information, warn:
            f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors, continuing assuming"
            f" provided cosmo_factor ({cf2}) for all arguments.",
    elif (cf is not None) and (cf2 is not None) and (cf != cf2):
        # both have cosmo_factor, don't match:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Ufunc arguments have cosmo_factors that differ: {cf} and {cf2}."
    elif (cf is not None) and (cf2 is not None) and (cf == cf2):
        # both have cosmo_factor, and they match:
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected state, please report this error on github.")
    # return without cosmo_factor
    return None

def _arctan2_cosmo_factor(ca_cf1, ca_cf2, **kwargs):
    ca1, cf1 = ca_cf1
    ca2, cf2 = ca_cf2
    if (cf1 is None) and (cf2 is None):
        return None
    if cf1 is None and cf2 is not None:
            f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors, continuing assuming"
            f" provided cosmo_factor ({cf2}) for all arguments.",
    if cf1 is not None and cf2 is None:
            f"Mixing ufunc arguments with and without cosmo_factors, continuing assuming"
            f" provided cosmo_factor ({cf1}) for all arguments.",
    if (cf1 is not None) and (cf2 is not None) and (cf1 != cf2):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Ufunc arguments have cosmo_factors that differ: {cf1} and {cf2}."
    return cosmo_factor(a ** 0, scale_factor=cf1.scale_factor)

def _comparison_cosmo_factor(ca_cf1, ca_cf2=None, inputs=None):
    ca1, cf1 = ca_cf1
    ca2, cf2 = ca_cf2 if ca_cf2 is not None else (None, None)
    except TypeError:
        if ca1:
            input1_iszero = not inputs[0].value and inputs[0] is not False
            input1_iszero = not inputs[0] and inputs[0] is not False
        if ca1:
            input1_iszero = not inputs[0].value.any()
            input1_iszero = not inputs[0].any()
    except IndexError:
        input2_iszero = None
    except TypeError:
        if ca2:
            input2_iszero = not inputs[1].value and inputs[1] is not False
            input2_iszero = not inputs[1] and inputs[1] is not False
        if ca2:
            input2_iszero = not inputs[1].value.any()
            input2_iszero = not inputs[1].any()
    zero_comparison = input1_iszero or input2_iszero
    return _return_without_cosmo_factor(
        ca_cf1, ca_cf2=ca_cf2, inputs=inputs, zero_comparison=zero_comparison

[docs]class InvalidScaleFactor(Exception): """ Raised when a scale factor is invalid, such as when adding two cosmo_factors with inconsistent scale factors. """ def __init__(self, message=None, *args): """ Constructor for warning of invalid scale factor Parameters ---------- message : str, optional Message to print in case of invalid scale factor """ self.message = message def __str__(self): """ Print warning message of invalid scale factor """ return f"InvalidScaleFactor: {self.message}"
[docs]class cosmo_factor: """ Cosmology factor class for storing and computing conversion between comoving and physical coordinates. This takes the expected exponent of the array that can be parsed by sympy, and the current value of the cosmological scale factor a. This should be given as the conversion from comoving to physical, i.e. r = cosmo_factor * r' with r in physical and r' comoving Examples -------- Typically this would make cosmo_factor = a for the conversion between comoving positions r' and physical co-ordinates r. To do this, use the a imported from objects multiplied as you'd like: ``density_cosmo_factor = cosmo_factor(a**3, scale_factor=0.97)`` """ def __init__(self, expr, scale_factor): """ Constructor for cosmology factor class Parameters ---------- expr : sympy.expr expression used to convert between comoving and physical coordinates scale_factor : float the scale factor of the simulation data """ self.expr = expr self.scale_factor = scale_factor pass def __str__(self): """ Print exponent and current scale factor Returns ------- str string to print exponent and current scale factor """ return str(self.expr) + f" at a={self.scale_factor}" @property def a_factor(self): """ The a-factor for the unit. e.g. for density this is 1 / a**3. Returns ------- float the a-factor for given unit """ return float(self.expr.subs(a, self.scale_factor)) @property def redshift(self): """ Compute the redshift from the scale factor. Returns ------- float redshift from the given scale factor Notes ----- Returns the redshift ..math:: z = \\frac{1}{a} - 1, where :math: `a` is the scale factor """ return (1.0 / self.scale_factor) - 1.0 def __add__(self, b): if not self.scale_factor == b.scale_factor: raise InvalidScaleFactor( "Attempting to add two cosmo_factors with different scale factors " f"{self.scale_factor} and {b.scale_factor}" ) if not self.expr == b.expr: raise InvalidScaleFactor( "Attempting to add two cosmo_factors with different scale factor " f"dependence, {self.expr} and {b.expr}" ) return cosmo_factor(expr=self.expr, scale_factor=self.scale_factor) def __sub__(self, b): if not self.scale_factor == b.scale_factor: raise InvalidScaleFactor( "Attempting to subtract two cosmo_factors with different scale factors " f"{self.scale_factor} and {b.scale_factor}" ) if not self.expr == b.expr: raise InvalidScaleFactor( "Attempting to subtract two cosmo_factors with different scale factor " f"dependence, {self.expr} and {b.expr}" ) return cosmo_factor(expr=self.expr, scale_factor=self.scale_factor) def __mul__(self, b): if not self.scale_factor == b.scale_factor: raise InvalidScaleFactor( "Attempting to multiply two cosmo_factors with different scale factors " f"{self.scale_factor} and {b.scale_factor}" ) return cosmo_factor(expr=self.expr * b.expr, scale_factor=self.scale_factor) def __truediv__(self, b): if not self.scale_factor == b.scale_factor: raise InvalidScaleFactor( "Attempting to divide two cosmo_factors with different scale factors " f"{self.scale_factor} and {b.scale_factor}" ) return cosmo_factor(expr=self.expr / b.expr, scale_factor=self.scale_factor) def __radd__(self, b): return self.__add__(b) def __rsub__(self, b): return self.__sub__(b) def __rmul__(self, b): return self.__mul__(b) def __rtruediv__(self, b): return b.__truediv__(self) def __pow__(self, p): return cosmo_factor(expr=self.expr ** p, scale_factor=self.scale_factor) def __lt__(self, b): return self.a_factor < b.a_factor def __gt__(self, b): return self.a_factor > b.a_factor def __le__(self, b): return self.a_factor <= b.a_factor def __ge__(self, b): return self.a_factor >= b.a_factor def __eq__(self, b): # Doesn't handle some corner cases, e.g. cosmo_factor(a ** 1, scale_factor=1) # is considered equal to cosmo_factor(a ** 2, scale_factor=1) because # 1 ** 1 == 1 ** 2. Should check self.expr vs b.expr with sympy? return (self.scale_factor == b.scale_factor) and (self.a_factor == b.a_factor) def __ne__(self, b): return not self.__eq__(b)
[docs]class cosmo_array(unyt_array): """ Cosmology array class. This inherits from the unyt.unyt_array, and adds three variables: compression, cosmo_factor, and comoving. Data is assumed to be comoving when passed to the object but you can override this by setting the latter flag to be False. Parameters ---------- unyt_array : unyt.unyt_array the inherited unyt_array Attributes ---------- comoving : bool if True then the array is in comoving co-ordinates, and if False then it is in physical units. cosmo_factor : float Object to store conversion data between comoving and physical coordinates compression : string String describing any compression that was applied to this array in the hdf5 file. """ _cosmo_factor_ufunc_registry = { add: _preserve_cosmo_factor, subtract: _preserve_cosmo_factor, multiply: _multiply_cosmo_factor, divide: _divide_cosmo_factor, logaddexp: _return_without_cosmo_factor, logaddexp2: _return_without_cosmo_factor, true_divide: _divide_cosmo_factor, floor_divide: _divide_cosmo_factor, negative: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, power: _power_cosmo_factor, remainder: _preserve_cosmo_factor, mod: _preserve_cosmo_factor, fmod: _preserve_cosmo_factor, absolute: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, fabs: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, rint: _return_without_cosmo_factor, sign: _return_without_cosmo_factor, conj: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, exp: _return_without_cosmo_factor, exp2: _return_without_cosmo_factor, log: _return_without_cosmo_factor, log2: _return_without_cosmo_factor, log10: _return_without_cosmo_factor, expm1: _return_without_cosmo_factor, log1p: _return_without_cosmo_factor, sqrt: _sqrt_cosmo_factor, square: _square_cosmo_factor, reciprocal: _reciprocal_cosmo_factor, sin: _return_without_cosmo_factor, cos: _return_without_cosmo_factor, tan: _return_without_cosmo_factor, sinh: _return_without_cosmo_factor, cosh: _return_without_cosmo_factor, tanh: _return_without_cosmo_factor, arcsin: _return_without_cosmo_factor, arccos: _return_without_cosmo_factor, arctan: _return_without_cosmo_factor, arctan2: _arctan2_cosmo_factor, arcsinh: _return_without_cosmo_factor, arccosh: _return_without_cosmo_factor, arctanh: _return_without_cosmo_factor, hypot: _preserve_cosmo_factor, deg2rad: _return_without_cosmo_factor, rad2deg: _return_without_cosmo_factor, # bitwise_and: not supported for unyt_array # bitwise_or: not supported for unyt_array # bitwise_xor: not supported for unyt_array # invert: not supported for unyt_array # left_shift: not supported for unyt_array # right_shift: not supported for unyt_array greater: _comparison_cosmo_factor, greater_equal: _comparison_cosmo_factor, less: _comparison_cosmo_factor, less_equal: _comparison_cosmo_factor, not_equal: _comparison_cosmo_factor, equal: _comparison_cosmo_factor, logical_and: _comparison_cosmo_factor, logical_or: _comparison_cosmo_factor, logical_xor: _comparison_cosmo_factor, logical_not: _return_without_cosmo_factor, maximum: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, minimum: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, fmax: _preserve_cosmo_factor, fmin: _preserve_cosmo_factor, isreal: _return_without_cosmo_factor, iscomplex: _return_without_cosmo_factor, isfinite: _return_without_cosmo_factor, isinf: _return_without_cosmo_factor, isnan: _return_without_cosmo_factor, signbit: _return_without_cosmo_factor, copysign: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, nextafter: _preserve_cosmo_factor, modf: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, # ldexp: not supported for unyt_array frexp: _return_without_cosmo_factor, floor: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, ceil: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, trunc: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, spacing: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, positive: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, divmod_: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, isnat: _return_without_cosmo_factor, heaviside: _preserve_cosmo_factor, _ones_like: _preserve_cosmo_factor, matmul: _multiply_cosmo_factor, clip: _passthrough_cosmo_factor, } def __new__( cls, input_array, units=None, registry=None, dtype=None, bypass_validation=False, input_units=None, name=None, cosmo_factor=None, comoving=True, compression=None, ): """ Essentially a copy of the __new__ constructor. Parameters ---------- input_array : iterable A tuple, list, or array to attach units to units : str, unyt.unit_symbols or astropy.unit, optional The units of the array. Powers must be specified using python syntax (cm**3, not cm^3). registry : unyt.unit_registry.UnitRegistry, optional The registry to create units from. If input_units is already associated with a unit registry and this is specified, this will be used instead of the registry associated with the unit object. dtype : np.dtype or str, optional The dtype of the array data. Defaults to the dtype of the input data, or, if none is found, uses np.float64 bypass_validation : bool, optional If True, all input validation is skipped. Using this option may produce corrupted, invalid units or array data, but can lead to significant speedups in the input validation logic adds significant overhead. If set, input_units must be a valid unit object. Defaults to False. input_units : str, optional deprecated in favour of units option name : str, optional The name of the array. Defaults to None. This attribute does not propagate through mathematical operations, but is preserved under indexing and unit conversions. cosmo_factor : cosmo_factor cosmo_factor object to store conversion data between comoving and physical coordinates comoving : bool flag to indicate whether using comoving coordinates compression : string description of the compression filters that were applied to that array in the hdf5 file """ cosmo_factor: cosmo_factor try: obj = super().__new__( cls, input_array, units=units, registry=registry, dtype=dtype, bypass_validation=bypass_validation, name=name, ) except TypeError: # Older versions of unyt (before input_units was deprecated) obj = super().__new__( cls, input_array, units=units, registry=registry, dtype=dtype, bypass_validation=bypass_validation, input_units=input_units, name=name, ) except TypeError: # Even older versions of unyt (before name was added) obj = super().__new__( cls, input_array, units=units, registry=registry, dtype=dtype, bypass_validation=bypass_validation, input_units=input_units, ) if isinstance(obj, unyt_array) and not isinstance(obj, cls): obj = obj.view(cls) obj.cosmo_factor = cosmo_factor obj.comoving = comoving obj.compression = compression return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): super().__array_finalize__(obj) if obj is None: return self.cosmo_factor = getattr(obj, "cosmo_factor", None) self.comoving = getattr(obj, "comoving", True) self.compression = getattr(obj, "compression", None) def __str__(self): if self.comoving: comoving_str = "(Comoving)" else: comoving_str = "(Physical)" return super().__str__() + " " + comoving_str def __reduce__(self): """ Pickle reduction method Here we add an extra element at the start of the unyt_array state tuple to store the cosmology info. """ np_ret = super(cosmo_array, self).__reduce__() obj_state = np_ret[2] cosmo_state = (((self.cosmo_factor, self.comoving),) + obj_state[:],) new_ret = np_ret[:2] + cosmo_state + np_ret[3:] return new_ret def __setstate__(self, state): """ Pickle setstate method Here we extract the extra cosmology info we added to the object state and pass the rest to unyt_array.__setstate__. """ super(cosmo_array, self).__setstate__(state[1:]) self.cosmo_factor, self.comoving = state[0] # Wrap functions that return copies of cosmo_arrays so that our # attributes get passed through: __getitem__ = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.__getitem__) astype = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.astype) in_units = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.in_units) byteswap = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.byteswap) compress = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.compress) diagonal = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.diagonal) flatten = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.flatten) newbyteorder = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.newbyteorder) ravel = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.ravel) repeat = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.repeat) reshape = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.reshape) swapaxes = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.swapaxes) take = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.take) transpose = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.transpose) view = _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(unyt_array.view) # Also wrap some array "attributes": @property def T(self): return self.transpose() # transpose is wrapped above. @property def ua(self): return _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(np.ones_like)(self) @property def unit_array(self): return _propagate_cosmo_array_attributes(np.ones_like)(self)
[docs] def convert_to_comoving(self) -> None: """ Convert the internal data to be in comoving units. """ if self.comoving: return else: # Best to just modify values as otherwise we're just going to have # to do a convert_to_units anyway. values = self.d values /= self.cosmo_factor.a_factor self.comoving = True
[docs] def convert_to_physical(self) -> None: """ Convert the internal data to be in physical units. """ if self.comoving: # Best to just modify values as otherwise we're just going to have # to do a convert_to_units anyway. values = self.d values *= self.cosmo_factor.a_factor self.comoving = False else: return
[docs] def to_physical(self): """ Creates a copy of the data in physical units. Returns ------- cosmo_array copy of cosmo_array in physical units """ copied_data = self.in_units(self.units, cosmo_factor=self.cosmo_factor) copied_data.convert_to_physical() return copied_data
[docs] def to_comoving(self): """ Creates a copy of the data in comoving units. Returns ------- cosmo_array copy of cosmo_array in comoving units """ copied_data = self.in_units(self.units, cosmo_factor=self.cosmo_factor) copied_data.convert_to_comoving() return copied_data
[docs] def compatible_with_comoving(self): """ Is this cosmo_array compatible with a comoving cosmo_array? This is the case if the cosmo_array is comoving, or if the scale factor exponent is 0 (cosmo_factor.a_factor() == 1) """ return self.comoving or (self.cosmo_factor.a_factor == 1.0)
[docs] def compatible_with_physical(self): """ Is this cosmo_array compatible with a physical cosmo_array? This is the case if the cosmo_array is physical, or if the scale factor exponent is 0 (cosmo_factor.a_factor == 1) """ return (not self.comoving) or (self.cosmo_factor.a_factor == 1.0)
[docs] @classmethod def from_astropy( cls, arr, unit_registry=None, comoving=True, cosmo_factor=None, compression=None ): """ Convert an AstroPy "Quantity" to a cosmo_array. Parameters ---------- arr: AstroPy Quantity The Quantity to convert from. unit_registry: yt UnitRegistry, optional A yt unit registry to use in the conversion. If one is not supplied, the default one will be used. comoving : bool if True then the array is in comoving co-ordinates, and if False then it is in physical units. cosmo_factor : float Object to store conversion data between comoving and physical coordinates compression : string String describing any compression that was applied to this array in the hdf5 file. Example ------- >>> from astropy.units import kpc >>> cosmo_array.from_astropy([1, 2, 3] * kpc) cosmo_array([1., 2., 3.], 'kpc') """ obj = super().from_astropy(arr, unit_registry=unit_registry).view(cls) obj.comoving = comoving obj.cosmo_factor = cosmo_factor obj.compression = compression return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_pint( cls, arr, unit_registry=None, comoving=True, cosmo_factor=None, compression=None ): """ Convert a Pint "Quantity" to a cosmo_array. Parameters ---------- arr : Pint Quantity The Quantity to convert from. unit_registry : yt UnitRegistry, optional A yt unit registry to use in the conversion. If one is not supplied, the default one will be used. comoving : bool if True then the array is in comoving co-ordinates, and if False then it is in physical units. cosmo_factor : float Object to store conversion data between comoving and physical coordinates compression : string String describing any compression that was applied to this array in the hdf5 file. Examples -------- >>> from pint import UnitRegistry >>> import numpy as np >>> ureg = UnitRegistry() >>> a = np.arange(4) >>> b = ureg.Quantity(a, "erg/cm**3") >>> b <Quantity([0 1 2 3], 'erg / centimeter ** 3')> >>> c = cosmo_array.from_pint(b) >>> c cosmo_array([0, 1, 2, 3], 'erg/cm**3') """ obj = super().from_pint(arr, unit_registry=unit_registry).view(cls) obj.comoving = comoving obj.cosmo_factor = cosmo_factor obj.compression = compression return obj
def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): cms = [ (hasattr(inp, "comoving"), getattr(inp, "comoving", None)) for inp in inputs ] cfs = [ (hasattr(inp, "cosmo_factor"), getattr(inp, "cosmo_factor", None)) for inp in inputs ] comps = [ (hasattr(inp, "compression"), getattr(inp, "compression", None)) for inp in inputs ] # if we're here at least one input must be a cosmo_array if all([cm[1] for cm in cms if cm[0]]): # all cosmo_array inputs are comoving ret_cm = True elif not any([cm[1] for cm in cms if cm[0]]): # all cosmo_array inputs are physical ret_cm = False else: # mix of comoving and physical inputs inputs = [ inp.to_comoving() if cm[0] and not cm[1] else inp for inp, cm in zip(inputs, cms) ] ret_cm = True if len(set(comps)) == 1: # all compressions identical, preserve it ret_comp = comps[0] else: # mixed compressions, strip it off ret_comp = None # make sure we evaluate the cosmo_factor_ufunc_registry function: # might raise/warn even if we're not returning a cosmo_array if ufunc in (multiply, divide) and method == "reduce": power_map = POWER_MAPPING[ufunc] if "axis" in kwargs and kwargs["axis"] is not None: ret_cf = _power_cosmo_factor( cfs[0], (False, None), power=power_map(inputs[0].shape[kwargs["axis"]]), ) else: ret_cf = _power_cosmo_factor( cfs[0], (False, None), power=power_map(inputs[0].size) ) else: ret_cf = self._cosmo_factor_ufunc_registry[ufunc](*cfs, inputs=inputs) ret = super().__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs) # if we get a tuple we have multiple return values to deal with # if unyt returns a bare ndarray, do the same # otherwise we create a view and attach our attributes if isinstance(ret, tuple): ret = tuple( r.view(type(self)) if isinstance(r, unyt_array) else r for r in ret ) for r in ret: if isinstance(r, type(self)): r.comoving = ret_cm r.cosmo_factor = ret_cf r.compression = ret_comp if isinstance(ret, unyt_array): ret = ret.view(type(self)) ret.comoving = ret_cm ret.cosmo_factor = ret_cf ret.compression = ret_comp if "out" in kwargs: out = kwargs.pop("out") if ufunc not in multiple_output_operators: out = out[0] if isinstance(out, cosmo_array): out.comoving = ret_cm out.cosmo_factor = ret_cf out.compression = ret_comp else: for o in out: if isinstance(o, type(self)): o.comoving = ret_cm o.cosmo_factor = ret_cf o.compression = ret_comp return ret