Source code for swiftsimio.subset_writer

Contains functions for reading a subset of a SWIFT dataset and writing
it to a new file.

from swiftsimio.reader import SWIFTUnits, SWIFTMetadata
from swiftsimio.masks import SWIFTMask
from swiftsimio.accelerated import read_ranges_from_file
import swiftsimio.metadata as metadata

import unyt
import h5py
import numpy as np
from typing import Optional, List

[docs]def get_swift_name(name: str) -> str: """ Returns the particle type name used in SWIFT Parameters ---------- name : str swiftsimio particle name (e.g. gas) Returns ------- str SWIFT particle type corresponding to `name` (e.g. PartType0) """ part_type_nums = [ k for k, v in metadata.particle_types.particle_name_underscores.items() ] part_types = [ v for k, v in metadata.particle_types.particle_name_underscores.items() ] part_type_num = part_type_nums[part_types.index(name)] return f"PartType{part_type_num}"
[docs]def get_dataset_mask( mask: SWIFTMask, dataset_name: str, suffix: Optional[str] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """ Return appropriate mask or mask size for given dataset Parameters ---------- mask : SWIFTMask the mask used to define subset that is written to new snapshot dataset_name : str the name of the dataset we're interested in. This is the name from the hdf5 file (i.e. "PartType0", rather than "gas") suffix : str, optional specify a suffix string to append to dataset underscore name to return something other than the dataset mask. This is specifically used for returning the mask size by setting suffix="_size", which would return, for example mask.gas_size Returns ------- np.ndarray mask for the appropriate dataset """ suffix = "" if suffix is None else suffix if "PartType" in dataset_name: part_type = [int(x) for x in filter(str.isdigit, dataset_name)][0] mask_name = metadata.particle_types.particle_name_underscores[part_type] return getattr(mask, f"{mask_name}{suffix}", None) else: return None
[docs]def find_datasets( input_file: h5py.File, dataset_names=[], path=None, recurse=False ) -> List[str]: """ Recursively finds all the datasets in the snapshot and writes them to a list Parameters ---------- input_file : h5py.File hdf5 file handle for snapshot dataset_names : list of str, optional names of datasets found in the snapshot path : str, optional the path to the current location in the snapshot recurse : bool, optional flag to indicate whether we're recursing or not Returns ------- dataset_names : list of str names of datasets in `path` in `input_file` """ if not recurse: dataset_names = [] if path is not None: keys = input_file[path].keys() else: keys = input_file.keys() path = "" for key in keys: subpath = f"{path}/{key}" if isinstance(input_file[subpath], h5py.Dataset): dataset_names.append(subpath) elif input_file[subpath].keys() is not None: find_datasets(input_file, dataset_names, subpath, recurse=True) return dataset_names
[docs]def update_metadata_counts(infile: h5py.File, outfile: h5py.File, mask: SWIFTMask): """ Recalculates the cell particle counts and offsets based on the particles present in the subset Parameters ---------- infile : h5py.File File handle for input snapshot outfile : h5py.File File handle for output subset of snapshot mask : SWIFTMask the mask being used to define subset """ offsets_path = ( "Cells/OffsetsInFile" if "Cells/OffsetsInFile" in infile else "Cells/Offsets" ) outfile.create_group("Cells") outfile.create_group("Cells/Counts") outfile.create_group(offsets_path) # Get the particle counts and offsets in the cells particle_counts, particle_offsets = mask.get_masked_counts_offsets() # Loop over each particle type in the cells and update their counts counts_dsets = find_datasets(infile, path="/Cells/Counts") for part_type in particle_counts: for dset in counts_dsets: if get_swift_name(part_type) in dset: outfile[dset] = particle_counts[part_type] # Loop over each particle type in the cells and update their offsets offsets_dsets = find_datasets(infile, path=offsets_path) for part_type in particle_offsets: for dset in offsets_dsets: if get_swift_name(part_type) in dset: outfile[dset] = particle_offsets[part_type] # Copy the cell centres and metadata infile.copy("/Cells/Centres", outfile, name="/Cells/Centres") infile.copy("/Cells/Meta-data", outfile, name="/Cells/Meta-data")
[docs]def write_metadata( infile: h5py.File, outfile: h5py.File, links_list: List[str], mask: SWIFTMask ): """ Copy over all the metadata from snapshot to output file Parameters ---------- infile : h5py.File hdf5 file handle for input snapshot outfile : h5py.File hdf5 file handle for output snapshot links_list : list of str names of links found in the snapshot mask : SWIFTMask the mask being used to define subset """ update_metadata_counts(infile, outfile, mask) skip_list = links_list.copy() skip_list += ["PartType", "Cells"] for field in infile.keys(): if not any([substr for substr in skip_list if substr in field]): infile.copy(field, outfile)
[docs]def write_datasubset( infile: h5py.File, outfile: h5py.File, mask: SWIFTMask, dataset_names: List[str], links_list: List[str], ): """ Writes subset of all datasets contained in snapshot according to specified mask Parameters ---------- infile : h5py.File hdf5 file handle for input snapshot outfile : h5py.File hdf5 file handle for output snapshot mask : SWIFTMask the mask used to define subset that is written to new snapshot dataset_names : list of str names of datasets found in the snapshot links_list : list of str names of links found in the snapshot """ skip_list = links_list.copy() skip_list.extend(["Cells", "SubgridScheme", "PartTypeNames"]) if mask is not None: for name in dataset_names: if any([substr for substr in skip_list if substr in name]): continue # get output dtype and size first_value = infile[name][0] output_type = first_value.dtype output_size = first_value.size mask_size = get_dataset_mask(mask, name, suffix="_size") if output_size != 1: output_shape = (mask_size, output_size) else: output_shape = mask_size dataset_mask = get_dataset_mask(mask, name) subset = read_ranges_from_file( infile[name], dataset_mask, output_shape=output_shape, output_type=output_type, ) # Write the subset outfile.create_dataset(name, data=subset) for attr_name, attr_value in infile[name].attrs.items(): outfile[name].attrs.create(attr_name, attr_value)
[docs]def write_subset(output_file: str, mask: SWIFTMask): """ Writes subset of snapshot according to specified mask to new snapshot file Parameters ---------- input_file : str path to input snapshot output_file : str path to output snapshot mask : SWIFTMask the mask used to define subset that is written to new snapshot """ # Open the files infile = h5py.File(mask.metadata.filename, "r") outfile = h5py.File(output_file, "w") # Write metadata and data subset list_of_links, list_of_link_paths = find_links(infile) write_metadata(infile, outfile, list_of_links, mask) write_datasubset(infile, outfile, mask, find_datasets(infile), list_of_links) connect_links(outfile, list_of_links, list_of_link_paths) # Clean up infile.close() outfile.close()